
National Philanthropy Day: The Butterfly Effect in your community and beyond
Posted: November 12, 2020

National Philanthropy Day is a day to celebrate giving back, those who participate in the enrichment of our communities, and a day to focus on passion, purpose and perspective – three nouns our world could use a little more of in this year of unknown and, at times, chaos.

A colleague of mine once told me that philanthropy is like the Butterfly Effect – a small change can make an enormous impact.

Our nonprofit saw this concept unfold in March, when the pandemic erupted. We quickly deployed our experts to reach vulnerable populations around the world – stretching from the western highlands of Guatemala to villages in Kenya – and even in our own backyard of North Carolina. 

Our local response was simple. A 100% volunteer driven calling campaign, in Spanish.  Following our values and evidence-based principles, in NC we decided to bring health to people rather than waiting for them to seek health care. This small action has resulted in support to more than 30,000 Spanish-speaking families up and down the east coast.  The incredible stories we’ve heard from families we have connected with have been overwhelming.  They’ve ranged from helping a mother find food for her family for an entire week after being diagnosed with COVID-19 and laid off from her job, to our volunteers finding housing for a mom and her baby daughter who didn’t have a place to spend the night. 

Throughout this crazy year, we’ve all been called upon to make sacrifices – we’ve had to choose between luxury and necessity, and we’ve had to choose what kind of people to be. Together, we’ve responded with compassion and generosity. Throughout my time with Curamericas Global, a global health nonprofit dedicated to saving the lives of moms and babies, I’ve seen first-hand how these sacrifices can change lives. I believe we all have an obligation to act now, to prevent unnecessary suffering.

The small act of giving up your Starbucks coffee tomorrow in favor of a $5 donation can help provide health care to a mother delivering a baby without electricity in an underserved community. Can you imagine what you can do right now? 

Since 1983, Curamericas Globl hasworked in forgotten communities around the world. Because of COVID, we’ve ramped our commitment to reach the often left-behind communities here in North Carolina. 

Our team has been honored to partner with North Carolina’s Department of Health and Human Services, Duke University, and El Centro Hispano, (among 18 other partners) deploying 180 local healthcare workers and hundreds of volunteers to reach historically marginalized communities.. Because of these partnerships, our volunteers and our nimble experts, we’ve been able to reach more than 30,000 people with life-saving information about COVID-19 in a culturally relevant way. 

In a time when so many of us are facing more hardships than ever before – isolation, loss, uncertainty – your smallest actions matter. 

This National Philanthropy Day, I’m calling on you to show up and take action to impact your community. By forming new partnerships and trying new things you can help.  

This year, philanthropy comes at a crucial time and there is so much you can do here and now. Curamericas is in the final stretch of our annual Mom-A-Thon – a virtual race to save the lives of moms and babies in forgotten communities here at home and around the world. I invite you to learn more about the work we do and consider making a donation to save lives. Visit run.curamericas.org.

Local nonprofits are often at the heart of a community. Time and time again they’ve been there for either you or someone you know. Now, I invite you to show up for them and make a difference. If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

By: Andrew Herrera, Executive Director of Curamericas Global

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