
Ways to Give

Just Imagine


Curamericas is making a difference by partnering with communities in need around the world to make measurable and sustainable improvements in their health and well-being. There are numerous ways in which you can help support our vision of healthy mothers and children around the world.

Cash, Check, and Credit Card are the most common ways to give to Curamericas. Please make checks payable to “Curamericas Global,” include a note in the memo section or a cover letter specifying the purpose of your gift, and mail it to Curamericas Global, 318 W. Millbrook Road, Suite 105, Raleigh, NC 27609. You can make a donation through credit or debit card at anytime on our secure giving site. Go to curamericas.org/donate, or select “Quick Donate” at the top of any page on curamericas.org.

Financial gifts can be given in a multitude of ways in aside from a one-time donation:

Recurring donation: Curamericas Sustainers are some of our most enlightened and compassionate supporters – exceptional people just like you. Sustainers provide Curamericas with consistent and reliable funding that allows us to plan ahead to best serve mothers and children around the world. Find out more at curamericas.org/make-a-monthly-gift, or contact our development office to set up a monthly bank draft at (919) 510-8787.

Stocks and Mutual Funds: By contributing stocks or mutual funds, you can save twice: first, on capital gains taxes and second, through a charitable tax deduction. Consult with your financial or legal advisor to determine the best strategy for your individual situation.

Corporate Matching: Many employers offer a matching gift program and will help to double your contribution to Curamericas. Check to see if your company participates and make your donation twice as impactful!

Event Sponsorships: Gain local recognition for your business while being part of a shared vision for creating healthy, empowered communities in impoverished areas around the world. All sponsorship packages are 100% tax deductible. Contact us for more details at [email protected].

Estate Planning: Create an enduring legacy through your will. Your bequest to Curamericas will ensure that you continue to make a difference on mothers and children in need. Click here to learn more. 

In-kind donations are gifts of goods and services rather than money. They are made by individuals or organizations.  A donation of an in-kind good or service frees up funds that would be needed for those purposes, allowing us to expand our programs and to serve more people.

Donate supplies for Casa Materna in Guatemala: We are always in need of additional supplies for our Casa Materna maternity health clinics. These clinics are a vital resource for providing mothers with a safe, centrally-located, and culturally appropriate facility to give birth and receive related services. For a full list of needed items, please check our Guatemala Needs Wish List. Here in Raleigh we are serving thousands of people. We need gauze and glucose strips. Contact [email protected]

Volunteers play a crucial role in helping us achieve our mission and serve families around the world. There are multiple ways for volunteers to serve, both directly and indirectly, in order to create a world where all mothers and children have access to health services.

Volunteer or intern in our office: Curamericas Global provides numerous opportunities for individuals to contribute to our lifesaving work by volunteering and interning either in our local office in Raleigh, NC, or remotely. Check here for some of the many ways to get involved!

Go on a Volunteer Expedition:  Volunteers spend 8-14 days in high-need communities in the rural highlands of Guatemala working with the staff to build their capacity, provide outreach and basic health services to mothers and children, and assist in the construction of community gardens and Casa Maternas (birthing clinics). During this life-changing trip volunteers have a profound impact on the health and well-being of the local population while being immersed in the local culture and learning about international development. For more information about our international trips, check here!

Only by joining our voices to speak loudly as one can we be heard.  Help fight to end preventable death in mothers and children around the world and help share Curamericas’ mission and vision with others.

Spread the word: Help us share our story on social media and encourage friends and family to join our cause. Together we can provide hope through health.

Stay connected: Sign up for our newsletter or follow us on social media to learn more about our organization and the work that we’re doing around the world! You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Be a Curamericas Champion!: Fundraise for a cause that matters to you by donating your birthday, holiday, or special occasion to help those in need. Rally your friends and family to make a gift that counts and set up your own fundraising page to support Curamericas’ lifesaving work. Start your campaign today!

Attend an event: Curamericas Global hosts fundraising events throughout the year with the benefits going to support the creation of healthy, empowered communities. Follow us on social media or sign up for our newsletter to find out more about our upcoming events!

AmazonSmile: AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Curamericas Global through your online shopping. Every time you make a purchase Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price to the charitable organization of your choice at no extra cost to you. Set up Curamericas Global as your designated charity here, add the bookmark and use smile.amazon.com to support us whenever you shop.

iGive.com: Join iGive.com, free of charge, and Curamericas Global earns money whenever you shop online. iGive partners with over 1,500 businesses including Amazon, Crate & Barrel, and Staples that then donate a percentage of your purchase to an organization of your choice at no extra charge to you. It’s as easy as that! Sign up now!

Color The World is a company based in Raleigh, NC that sells natural, hand-made lipsticks and lip treatments. Color the World donates 30% of it’s profits to related charity. You can support Curamericas by purchasing our ‘Mint to Be’ lip gloss through their online store, or by visiting them at 1809 Glenwood Avenue in Raleigh, NC.

Devise your own project!:  We are always open to new and innovative ideas that can help us spread the word about the work we’re doing in communities around the world. If you have an idea for a project, please contact us!

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